Tower Law
Most laws
are governed by basic rules of etiquette, so I
doubt we should have problems in this clan.
However, for the benefit of those who always
want things documented, here are the Laws of
the Tower.
Current as
of 05-02-02
1. Treat
all members of this clan and our allies with
respect, especially the leadership of these
clans. If you have a problem with a member of
one of our allies, please bring the complaint
to the Tower leader, and he or she will handle
the matter with the other clan.
2. For
clans that we are neutral with, or at war
with, we still expect them to be treated with
respect. Arguing with them, or worse,
childishly insulting them detracts from our
image and won't be tolerated.
3. Blade
Masters and Sitters, or those of the Hall, are
restricted from Ubers. Exception: You may pick
one up after killing an enemy who had one, and
pass it to a teammate next round. Other
members of the clan are encouraged to follow
the same rules, but are not required to. All
members in the clan are restricted from
telenading and charge wand cheating, andr mass
nading should only be used under extreme
4. All
members should visit the forums often to learn
about current events in the clan. Also, a line
of communication with the clan leaders is a
necessity. MSN is the preferred method of
communication in the White Tower, but AIM will
work as an alternate.
5. When in game,
refrain from insulting people, taunting or
provoking other players, or using exceedingly
cheap strategies. Don't pick on the newbies,
they may be your future clanmates or enemies
depending upon how you treat them.
6. An Aes
Sedai and a Warder have the option to bond
each other. This is only a symbol, and will
not have much application in the clan. A Bond
may not be dissolved except under extreme
circumstances. In accordance with the
tradition of the White Tower, an Aes Sedai may
bond a Warder against his will if she cannot
find a willing Warder. A Warder will take on
all the same responsibilities of the Ajah of
his Aes Sedai.
Cheating in this clan will NOT be tolerated
under any circumstances.
8. Members
who are inactive in the clan for an extended
period of time may be moved to the Inactive
list or Retired list without subject to
notice. These members will be reinstated if
they return to the clan at their current rank,
with exception to Blademasters and Sitters,
who will be reinstated at the Warder or Aes
Sedai rank.
Battle Law
If you are playing in a match, the
information contained within that document is
crucial. Failure to read it will put in debate
your allowance to play in matches.
Awards will be awarded based upon certain
criteria. These awards are to be placed in the
signature of the recipient.