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Tower News Archive

NEWS ARCHIVE 11/24/02 - 1/14/03

1.14.2003 - E and Foc Match outcomes
Well, we matched up against .:E:. on January 4 and it was a massacre! The outcome was 22 to 3 in tWt's favor!! GREAT job guys! We also matched up agaist FoC last weekend and it was a bloody bone breaking TIE !! 12 to 12 folks good job! I'm sure this will end up in a rematch in the future to see who will be the ones coming out on top. Congratulations to all of you who participated! Booya~~

- Lady Gwenevere*Sly:

12.30.2002 - Tool Scrimage
Well we had one hell of a scrimage match with Tool last night; we lost, but only by 2 points so I can't be disappointed at all by that. Good job guys!
- Lady Gwenevere*Sly:

12.28.2002 - w0000t
Two of our recent Younglings deserve a big pat on the back! Congratulations to both Desperato and Parabola for their promotion to Tower Guard due to their wonderful display of skill in the game! Booya
- Lady Gwenevere*Sly:

12.25.2002 - into retirement goeth he...
This eve, the eve of Christmas one of our legendary warders and one hell of a person, lance, has had to step away from not only the White Tower, but from LoMM as well.

He will be missed, but forever remembered until his return. The Tower gives out a rally cry for the best in his future, one well waited and prayed for. =")

Good luck chris.
- Aislynn:

12.23.2002 - A Legend Returns!
Kedric is back in the ranks, his sudden interest in the clan once more has brought the calm air of delight into the Tower again. I'm looking forward to playing beside him again! ^_^
- Aislynn:

12.22.2002 - ¤
*poke* YEP! We're alive! =")
- Aislynn:

12.11.2002 - Farewell to Those..
It's time to say goodbye to two long on the 1st of December and Genocide announced his just a couple days ago. You will both sorely be missed but good luck with your future endeavors. Also, Lady Hermione has announced The disolution of her bond with Silentbluefire... Sadly, sometimes these things don't work out but hopefully they still part as friends.
- Lady Gwenevere*Sly:

12.1.2002 - New Youngling and New Server!! :-D
Everyone welcome our newest Youngling to the ranks! Congratulations Desperato for a title well earned!! We didn't have a match this weekend however we are gearing up for one next weekend with LoT!! Also coming soon - tWt's official T3 server is suppose to be up any day now so look out peeps looks like fun's abrewin! The server will allow HHGA however the damage done by them will be slightly reduced, the price of Telescrolls will be raised and we are also looking into changing the secondary ability for gravity axe or elimating them from the server all together to stop those team gravers out there~~Booya!!

- Lady Gwenevere*Sly:

11.26.2002 - Sqwee...
*LadyGwenevere made the below news, I'm just bringing it over here as I didnt feel it was right to paraphrase what she said and then take credit for it. =") *

Everyone give a sweet Booya to Aislynn*Rain, i have decided to reinstate her to her Keeper of Chronicles position in the clan due to the hectic holiday season and my need for more help. Congrats!


Everyone give Triton a warm welcome! he is our newest youngling accepted into the clan, good job Triton! Also Congratulations go out to Loki our newest Warder! He's already been snatched up in Bond ladies to Aislynn*Rain hehe, sorry if you had your hopes up for him, hes already taken! On the down side of the news, we lost the match against the Euro clan Alf today, ahh well, we will get them next time guys. Booya!!


Lady Hermione finally made it to Aes Sedai a few days ago, she has chosen the green ajah, and by the looks of it with the promotion of SilentBlueFire she also chose a Bond! Lets celebrate tWt to two good promotions and a wonderful union! Also welcome back Lord Soth from retirement to serve the tower once more! Its been a great week for the tower Booya!


It looks like the merger between Knights and tWt has been voted and accepted by both parties, starting today the Knights clan will be part of us, lets welcome Rheidaus, GargoyleX-7, and Shocka warmly folks this will be a good union i think.


- Aislynn:

11.25.2002 - Booya!!
We had a glorious victory last night against the clan MR, the combined final score being 12-4 in twt's favor! Congratulations to all who participated for outstanding team work. Drake was named MVP for the match with LadyHermione as runner up for the title. BOOYA!!
- ladygwen:

11.24.2002 - Website V.3.0
I've finally finished creating, applying, tweaking, and uploading our new website. The decor now matches our forums, and adds a lighter touch to the clan. I hope ya'll enjoy, and Gwen should be along to make a more substantial news update soon.
- Veera:

NEWS ARCHIVE 5/28/01 - 11/20/02

Everyone give a sweet Booya to Aislynn*Rain, i have decided to reinstate her to her Keeper of Chronicles position in the clan due to the hectic holiday season and my need for more help. Congrats!


Everyone give Triton a warm welcome! he is our newest youngling accepted into the clan, good job Triton! Also Congratulations go out to Loki our newest Warder! He's already been snatched up in Bond ladies to Aislynn*Rain hehe, sorry if you had your hopes up for him, hes already taken! On the down side of the news, we lost the match against the Euro clan Alf today, ahh well, we will get them next time guys. Booya!!


Lady Hermione finally made it to Aes Sedai a few days ago, she has chosen the green ajah, and by the looks of it with the promotion of SilentBlueFire she also chose a Bond! Lets celebrate tWt to two good promotions and a wonderful union! Also welcome back Lord Soth from retirement to serve the tower once more! Its been a great week for the tower Booya!


It looks like the merger between Knights and tWt has been voted and accepted by both parties, starting today the Knights clan will be part of us, lets welcome Rheidaus, GargoyleX-7, and Shocka warmly folks this will be a good union i think.


There has been a new addition to the site guys! It is linked from the members page at the bottom and it is called the tWt Awards Hall of Fame so check it out! also congratulations go out to LadyHermione (God i hope i spelled it right YaCee :p), she is our newest Aes Sedai of the tower and has chosen the Green Ajah so look out Warders, she's out to find herself a Bond or two hehe. Booya~~


Lots of things happening so fast! I'd like to welcome back one of our Retired members Eclipse! Happy to have him back in our ranks once more. We also have had a rush of tower applicants lately which we are sifting through slowly but surely, sit tight guys we are taking care of business! Also there has been question of a possible merger between us and our allied clan Knights, yet this is still in the talking stages, we have not yet agreed nor denied the proposition. Hail be to the White Tower!


Some Good things have happened for us the last few days, First of all Onas Imass, a long time tower Youngling has finally been promoted to Tower Guard, good job Onas you deserve it! Also we are welcoming a new face into the tower with our newest Youngling..9Daggers :D Everyone play fair and have fun in the game BOOYA~~


well first of all as you all well know, Krommic was kicked from the clan a couple days ago due to his attitude, his actions, and his attempted mutiny.

We had a match with Cows today, we got skunked pretty bad, but we did win one round, and we also won a more important victory than the match itself..the fight against imposters. Three attempted to play as tWt today, with the help of the server, along with our new password system, we snuffed them out. Now that was a glorious victory in itself. Honor and Glory be to the tower.. we fought hard no matter what the odds and we never quit.


Well, today Genocide anounced that he found his game cd and is back in with us so im already pulling him from retirement, i think that was the fastest retire and rehire in history for tWt LOL!!


This has been a sad day for tWt...The match with War was a victory with tWt leading 18 - 7, however it has been called forfeit due to the unveiling of an imposter on tWt side, possibly two even.. also there was alot of packet loss on the server and misunderstanding about the negotiations on number of maps we were to play. In addition to this, we have lost two valuable members today. Genocide lost his computer and his game along with it, therefore i retired him until he can join the game once more... Tempest, who has also been a long time tWt member decided to call it quits on lomm today as well for lack of interest in continuing the game. I wish you two both the best of luck and GodSpeed.


Vast Changes have occured the past month in the tower such as the disposing of the Hall for the clan as well as Veera stepping down just a couple weeks ago handing things over to Aislynn, however due to problems in her home life she
decided it was going to be a bit too much for her so she opted to hand the reigns over to LadyGwenevereSly in the last week instead. More changes are soon to come as well with the new website coming to completion and many new interested applicants vying to be allowed in the tower doors.

We also have a new Youngling in our ranks, everyone please welcome Luther , Also up for congratulations is Gatorade who finally passed our viscious scrutiny to win his title of Warder. Currently I'm keeping an eye on Lady Hermoine and SilentBlueFire.. who are both interested also in stepping up in the ranks.

We had another glorious victory last night for the tower!! The BM vs tWt match started out a little late, the server was still running another match when ours was due to begin which made us unbelievably ancy but once it started we rocked with final score of total wins coming to 25 against BM's 14 :D Great job everyone who was included! It was a tough decision but Drake decided that Krommic should take home the MVP badge this time around for his tremendous job on the field. We have lots of matches coming up so keep your eyes peeled for more news on those! Booyaaaa

~~LadyGwen, Amyrlin Seat

8.27.2002 - Important!
Drake has been so kind as to set his computor up to serve all new maps! The name is "Nimancer{New Maps}" so check for that in the servers. We need to get more participation up, as well as it's a real good idea to download all the new maps from HERE. There are instructions on how to download and install the maps, as well as the needed .txt file as well.


Now if I could point your attention to the webpage, some of you might have noted that the member's page as well as the clan relations page have been made up to date. If you dont see your name up there when it should be, or where it should be, give a shout in the member's forum.

Other might have also noted that I have indeed returned. :") Those of you who asked me back continually, know that your voices did not fall of deaf ears. After all that was the main driving factor of my return. Go where I'm needed, stay where I'm wanted.

I'm also taking up on Veera's offer to try and rework the history, and will be in the process of that, anyone has anything to tell me about it, do post.

As always, be proud to be one of the longest standing families around! Let's show the rest of them LoMMers what we're made of!

May glory find you and wisdom guide you,

- Aislynn:

7.27.2002 - Update!
It's been a long time since the news was properly updated. So here we have it. Lots has happened in the Tower over the last while. We've lost some members who will be sorely missed. As well we have some new.

We will be having some matches coming up soon. We're working things out with BM, WAR, and WoD. So everyone be ready to win some matches.

As well, it seems that someone has been running around, impersonating Sir Galahad, and "recruiting" people into the Tower. Please note: nothing has changed in our recruiting policy. You must apply and be accepted into the tWt(r)- stage by either myself, or Veera. Anyone duped by this imposter please remove your tag, and if you truly wish to join the Tower, apply in the applicants forum.

Glory and Honor
- Sinistrad:

6.12.2002 - Tired... So tired...
Over the past few days, I've been making changes and updates all over the forums and website, and I'm hoping that this is close to done. I'd just like to ask a favor from everybody... Please check the Member's page to be sure that your name and rank are correct, check your forum title to be sure that I have given you the correct rank, and check the new Training Yards forum to see if your name is on there with the correct rank. If you have any problems, just post them in the Member's forum, alright?

On to other news, we have plenty of new recruits and a few new members. Everyone give a loud 'Welcome Home' to King Nuno and LoneEagle, who have returned to us after a short foray into CoL! Glad to have you two back :-) Keep in mind that LoneEagle will now be known as Eclipse. As for our current recruits, you can see a list of them at the top of each page in the forums.

Gelder left the clan a few days ago, mostly due to personal disputes with another member. *Cough* Errr... Enough about that.

We have two upcoming matches! An 8 on 8 with WAR will take place this evening, Wednesday the 12th, at 7 PM Eastern. That's Midnight GMT, and 4 PM Pacific. More details are in the War Room. A 4 on 4 is scheduled against the Lemmings this Sunday, June 23rd, at 5 PM Eastern. That's 10 PM GMT, and 2 PM Pacific.

Member's page has been updated, and the Ranking page has been updated with our new promotion policy. I've removed that obsolete chart with the seals; instead, we'll use the new Training Yards forum to keep track of approval and testing dates.

And one more thing for this update. PLEASE remember that what is said in our private forums must STAY in the private forums. If you are found to be leaking information, you will be removed from the clan immediately, with no chance of returning. Don't ruin your future with the clan because of a careless slip of words.

Other than that, have fun in the clan, have fun in the game, and wish for good luck in our upcoming matches! Light illumine!
- Veera:

5.29.2002 - A New Age Dawns
Alright everyone...time to start shining our armor once more and sharpening our weapons, because Summer is around the corner and that means mass people shall come to Legends once more! :")

Lady Gwenevere had to step down because of real life (ick that problem again! :"P) and so a successor had to be chosen. With a tie vote in the Hall it became the responsibility of Sinistrad to pick who would become the new Amyrlin.

It was eventually decided that I would take the seat and become leader with Sinistrad. Since then I've had to then another Keeper, my previous position. I thought long and hard at it... you don't know how hard this decision came to be! I carefully weighed each... *smiles* I thought of Gwenevere, who is still true blue and loyal, I thought of AnnA, whom is fair in all, and I thought of Veera, who has been here and continues to strive for the betterment of the Tower.... Now out of those three (each is highly respected and admired, mind you) I chose Veera as my Keeper of Chronicles. Congratulations Veera!

On the Hall front, AnnA made it in as a Sitter, and she is now one of the few, one of the great decision makers. :") You've certainly earned it AnnA...100%

At dusk yesterday, Kujo and Gelder achieved the rank of Warders... Everyone give 'em pats on the back and quickly hide the unbonded Aes Sedai! :")

I would like everyone to give a smile to Sheek Marai, newest female to the Tower and...*winks* did I mention a possible Aes some day?

I've gone and finally given the Member's page another grand update. The files may not be updated this quick into your browser, but be patient cause the files are now on the server!

- Aislynn:

5.17.2002 - Lots of Changes
Lots of changes have been taking place in the tower the last couple weeks..from the loss of many respected Senior members to the recruitment of many powerful new ones. I'd like to say farewell to TrollTooth, Avylen, SmugglerQ, Evil Solo, and Ethon. Their time served here will always be remembered however they have decided to part and go their separate ways from tWt. Good luck and GodSpeed to you all. I would also like to congratulate and welcome the many new recruits that have decided to join our ranks to replenish the loss that we had incured. A warm Welcome goes out to GoblinKing, Robillard, MasterMike, Basket, and DeathKnight as the newest full members of our ranks. Good lucky you guys and have fun in the game!!

Also on a side note, we have a big match scheduled with -=FoC=- this weekend w00t !! break a leg guys and go kick some bootay!
- ladygwen:

5.2.2002 - News Moved to Archive
Well, the News page was getting rather large, (Read: Humongous) so I move it all to the Archive.

As for actual news updates, LightArrow and Lord Gelder have been promoted to Younglings. All other applicants are still being voted on, but that should wrap up tonight... There are two matches coming up in our immediate future, so everybody prepare for battles against FoC and BM! These should be good matches, so everybody prepare!

I'd also like to thank Brainiacus for his help in mediating the recent conflict between CoL and tWt. That's what the Portal is for, and I for one am glad that it exists :-)
Light illumine!
- Veera:

4.30.2002 - About the 'War' with CoL
the War waged on CoL has been called off for the time being. The decision was made in haste and has been reconsidered.
- ladygwen:

4.28.2002 - tWt goes to War!
To arms to arms! The Tower's archnemesis, The Children of Light, have spawned in LoMM. His unjust army must fall under our wraith, have spirit and have courage!

- Aislynn:

4.22.2002 - Reflections
Much has happened since the last update, yes indeed! With all that has been going on, Lady Gwenevere has proved the most vital and the strongest willed lady to possibly ever set foot in the Tower! Let it be known that what she does ultamitely reflects on if we survive or thrive, when you see her show her your support and strength!
On her right hand she has Veera, working hard to make sure things stay up to date, a most difficult and time consuming quest. Veera turned up the Most Valuable player tonight against the Knights clan, with barely enough time the match got pulled off by unsung heroes. Great job Tower, we brought home glory and even more stories to carry about the courage in our hearts! For additional news, look in the forums.
Crimson Wolf has once again turned into Crimson Lone Wolf as he makes his way into the world again. Legendary European Commander, and valued voice in the Hall, we wish our friend many fresh kills among his path to wholeness. Remember you'll always have a room here if in need 'ol friend. :")
The Tower thrives with many new faces and ideas! Watch for the recruits and offer them support out in the battlefield. Remember today's new blood could be tomorrow's warlords. Show them how loving this family really is. :"D
May glory find you and wisdom guide you,
- Aislynn:

4.7.2002 - We have a new Gaidin!
Well folks, we have come to a decision, tWt-Sinistrad has been promoted to Master Gaidin to lead at my side in our Glorious Tower! This is a grand day indeed: I think everything will be just fine, things will now fall into place as they should. Booyaaaaa
- ladygwen:

3.30.2002 - Kedric is retiring..
Kedric formally announced today in the members forum that he is officially retiring from Master Gaidin of tWt. He has led this clan for over a year with Veera as his right hand..and me following in her footsteps for the last portion of it..has made it prosper and grow into what it is today. This is a sad day indeed for us all..however make no mistake..the Tower will NOT fall. All of the loyal members old and new help this clan to thrive and prosper! tWt shall be here till the end and beyond.
- ladygwen:

3.29.2002 - Looking for matches...
Well, the days are growing stale.... but amazingly, servers are popping up. It's time to get back into matches =) If you see Sinistrad or Sir Galahad around, they'll be organizing them. With the limitations of servers bandwidth, I expect a lot of 4 on 4's on the average.

Can I just say that after a year, I can't beleive how many people still flourish in this tower? It's insane, true devotion...gotta say this has been a very successful clan, and you twt have done a great job. I think I'll just have to stick around =)

Oh, and PDA's are so cool =P
- Kedric:

3.24.2002 - the Lady finally gets hitched!!
NEWS FLASH**************************************

Lancelot finally passed his warder test last night, so now the lone Lady Gwen has shackled herself a bond!! Yes i am highly enthused about this, it looked funny as being the Amyrlin and never had taken a Bond. Well now its official and im smiling wide!
- ladygwen:

2.27.2002 - FYI
Wow.. i just got done looking at the main white tower site.. and i must gave me a sense of pride knowing that i belong to this community. The white tower spans past Legends of Might and Magic.. far beyond it. The members here aren't just part of a single video game guild.. they are a part of a community that is growing all over the gaming world.. and beyond. Here is the link, any twt member can post their real life pic and fill out a bio sheet there. Check out the flash video that is on the front page.. that is something else i would have to give it two thumbs up!! is the link enjoy!
- ladygwen:

2.24.2002 - Bios
alrighty.. for those of you who have not yet submitted bios for the members page beware!! recruits you will not have your r status removed nor will you become a full member until they are submitted and active members? well i shall hound you to your grave if you dont get them in!! Come on folks it's not hard.. its enjoyable! its creative! its cool! hehe anyways.. thats the news for today. Latez
- ladygwen:

2.15.2002 - new additions to our clan
Well folks it looks like our rank filling is finally complete once again, we have added Elfe and Spawn for our Euro Wolf Pack and also we have added Sinistrad to our USA division so please welcome them warmly!! Congratulations to all of you. And for those of you who did not make it this time around in the recruiting please don't give up, with so many changes in the game we never know when more openings will suddenly pop up, but i do thank you for applying and considering tWt for your clan
- ladygwen:

2.11.2002 - I've put them to work folks
Alright.. as i took the position of Amyrlin.. i realized just how many duties there is that should be taken care of by fellow tWt or that could be handled by them. I have appointed Aislynn, our aes sedai of the green ajah and librarian the job of collecting bios from those of you who have not created one. Please take a few minutes and make one, it doesn't take much and if you need help please feel free to ask Lynn for help, shes great at creating. I also appointed Avylen, our aes sedai of the Blue ajah to keep track of the applicants strain of the forum. She will be keeping our applicants updated of openings and also replying to their posts when needed. She will also keep an eye open on the field for those that would benefit the tower if we allowed them into our ranks. Both jobs fit the ajah they are members of and that is why i gave this to them. If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me.
- ladygwen:

2.9.2002 - Been active!
No, the Tower is not dissappearing. =) There has been a lot of work getting done actually! So our leadership is strengthening, and we shall see this "end of LOMM" through!

I have been organizing a Two on Two tourney for the clan, and have now provided a clan server for us. This server will probably be public often enough when 3do takes down there servers, so don't worry =). Also, there is an interclan match being set up as well. It's been fun though playing with everyone, the new recruits have done well and the team is looking great =). So we had a little ring of losses, but ah, I am sorry, I was just so caught up with my new hours at work, I couldn't give it my all to keep things organized here to win those matches. But we didn't falter....

We had a match with WAR today, and we came through full force. WAR were great sports, and it was an awesome 8 on 8 match. We came out with a flawless victory, of 26 to 0, and I gotta say, everyone in the Tower did VERY well, despite what you may think! It was a pleasure matching with you guys again finally, it was a hell of a fight, and I was glad WAR got this organized with us so we could match before 3do pulls those servers. Ah, we honor you WAR. Good game!

So now, as you may see new recruits are rising up.. some are leaving... It's to be expected as games to grow old. We hope to keep the ranks fresh with active players... I will lead the Tower to the end, and I'm proud of all you guys. Hehehe, and Bloody Honor, the great map maker is working on a map for us. I can't wait to see it! He's a great guy, and I thank him for it.

Glory and Honor! =)
- Kedric:

2.8.2002 - Ahh my first try at keeping you updated!
Well peeps we have gone through some changes in the tower, this i would say may be the dawn of a new era. Most i know fear change but change can be good and refreshing :: smiles :: I am happy to be of service to you my friends and if you need anything just ask me and i'll do my best to help you out.

Now.. on with the news. Finally a decision has been made about Arwen, we have decided to take her out of the members of tWt due to the past problems and questionable stories. Yes it is sad that we lose our first Aes Sedai.. but.. that also leaves room for a new one for the Brown Ajah so don't fret. I'm gonna be looking for new possible female recruits to fill the spaces.

Also we have decided to take Perrin out of the ranks due to he simply has not been around for a long time he either moved on from the game or something happened to his computer but either way.. right now with the way things are going we trully need loyal and active members filling our ranks. Yes my friends that means we are recruiting once again. We have a few spots to fill especially in the Euro division and the womans ranks.. be on the look out for new prospects and encourage them to apply on the forum it would be greatly appreciated.

Well thats about it from my end cya in the game!!

- ladygwen:

1.13.2002 - Quite a bit of news...
While I have been very busy myself these days... Rex_Dart has been thus coordinating matches as you all may have noticed. He has done a great job with this, and I think the entire Tower would agree. =)

Speaking of matches, yesterday we faced off with TooL... while it didn't go exactly as we all had was a good match. We were not under the impression that Sword running and nades would be out, so much was retracted from the game. It's nice to see some competition again, and we'll count our losses, deal with it, and come out stronger next time.

Tonight we also faced TFA on Rimfrost.... It was one of hell of a match, and TFA are always great when it comes to matches...a pleasure to play with. =) We had fun tonight... we got beat pretty bad, but it's to be expected. No matter how we match, there is always a ping difference that gives huge advantages. Well, while Tenaka and I can sit around and shoot the bull about it, atleast we get matches and a decent challenge. Our newer members got a taste of some matches, and they came out with true effort. Very good game. We shall look forward to facing TFA as much as possible until even on Rim we can beat them! ;)

So yes, many notice there have been a lot of recruits lately. It's a matter of keeping the ranks fresh with active players. As some go inactive, or leave... we start opening the doors a bit more to those we found are still friends with us. I have been pleased with the recruits of late, Trakkanon, Genocide, Doomgrip, Avylen... and all in our Euro division which Crimson is working steadily on bringing up to speed. =) It's a pleasure to have all of you... and while I can't always express it... I am proud to know you are all fighting in my ranks.

Yep, so the holiday's are over, and the Tower is bustling about again. Unfortunately I expect Veera will be inactive for quite a bit. But I will keep up with you guys, atleast every weekend =) Tower is always moving forward, and while the community has changed a lot.... I expect to be there through it all. I hope to keep neutral with those clans still out there who enjoy this game. We're the supporters of this game... I'm just glad to have friends to play with and enjoy some competitive matches with!

I hope those still strive for higher ranks. We have quite a few younglings that I know have potential to already be Warders. Smuggler can test... and Crimson will be a tester soon too. I can test as well. Check the rankings page to see where you stand, and I urge you all to advance.

Peace, Honor, and Glory till the end. Chumbawumba, and YATTA!!!!
- Kedric:

12.31.2001 - Happy Y2.2K!
Okay ppl, Welcome to the New Year! (Y2.2K…as in Version 2.2 of 2000. ;”) ) Remember you are dealing with Aislynn here. I hope everyone stays safe and remember! Don’t play with 56K…err…I mean matches.

Okay since the Holiday season many new ppl have showed up and want to join clans. tWt would love to take in everyone that requests membership, however we want to stay small…which means we can’t take everyone…too big and it’s too hard to manage. (Believe me Kedric and Veera have a full plate anywho.) Thank you for your support on that issue.

The Legend Clan awards is temporarily closed untill I once again get a permenant connection…anyone who would be interested in taking it over as I ran it can contact via the e mail below.
Be a sport and download some of the new maps floating around would ya? It would make the game fresh and exiting again! They can be found (by bulk and mass on the TNT, TFA, SS, and numerous other places on the LoMM net.)

TooL is getting quite interesting too; they have started the first ever TooL awards. All players are allowed to nominate, however the nominees have to be TooL members.
tWt wishes to stay neutral within the world of LoMM, please respect our boards and keep violence, disrespect, and inappropriateness away from the posts. It is highly appreciated.

Once holidays are all done and past, things will pick up again as members will be coming back to the Tower from Vacation. Keep strong and keep positive, I am proud and honored to be a part of this family!

~May glory find you and wisdom guide you~

- Aislynn:

12.28.2001 - Ah, as the main holidays come pass...
It's been a bit quiet as many of us have been busy preparing for the holidays, and celebrating =) I hope everyone had a merry Christmas, and spent some good times with friends and family =) The Tower is seeing a few changes here and there, and soon will be closing it's ranks as the New Year arrives. And on with the news:

The Tower won it's first match in the Clan Tournament last Saturday. We faced off with The Government {G}, and had a great victory on Sword in Stone. It was a well played match by {G}, and they kept fighting till the end. No complaints, just a perfectly played match with good attitudes all around. I should think they have a good chance in the Loser's Bracket. In the meantime, the Tower is readying it's for it's next challenge. Time to lay off the wine and eggnog, and get those arrows sharpened! =)

The Tower has also recruited just recently:
Doomgrip, Trakkanon, Genocide

We have rejected:
Viper, Sheridan

And Bond*007, I want to speak with you before I make any final decision.

There is little room in our ranks... and it is uneccessary to have so many members. I will always appreciate those who's hearts were always with TWT from the beginning. We hope recruits do find a place as such, here.

I'll let Veera take it from here =) We have a lot of fine tuning to do as the New Year arrives. No slacking anymore, it's the long haul or bust.
Yes, yes, lots happening... Hopefully, the next round of the Tournament will take place a week after New Years, so be ready! Big thanks to everybody who helped us to win that match :-)

My most important news tidbit is that Aislynn has finally been promoted to Aes Sedai! She is now a Sister of the Green Ajah. Also, for all her hard work and the clan, I've given to her the title of Keeper of the Chronicles. This position is equivalent to the Teacher of the Swords, and she'll be something like my assistant for the clan. Everybody wish her luck in her new position!

Finally, I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas, and will all have a happy New Year. Things might change, but the Tower will remain strong. As always, light illumine, and until we meet again :-)
-Veera Anlai
- Kedric:

12.17.2001 - Welcome our new Novice, Avylen =)
Yes, the tower has finally seen the addition of a new novice. I'm sure you've been sniped down by her quite a few times and I have no doubt she will be a great member in our ranks.

I will hopefully be setting up a second match coordinator so that tWt can get more matches inbetween tourny matches. First Tourny match is with {G} this saturday, the 22nd. We look forward to playing them as we haven't ever before.

Applications are being considered... Now that the holidays have come, things are bustling, and patience will land you a stronger base in our opinion. I know Lakeland and Genocide are being considered =) TWT never wanted to grow to large.. we appreciate those who wish to join and like our clan, and we urge you, even if not accepted, to keep in mind as much as we wish to take everyone, we still wish to remain rather small.

- Kedric:

12.9.2001 - Victory over Lemmings... and the latter...
The Lemmings played their first match yesterday... and yes, they did choose us to match =) They had a very interesting first round and array of Lemming manuevers... but ahh, they have much to learn. The first game was range and we offered then melee only for the second round to even the game up more. It was a hell of a lot of fun =) But the cows took a beating too =( Dynasty had a great cap giving them probably the best round win we've seen in all of our matches. They tried their best, and were good sports throughout...even if Jamie went a little It was fun, and we wish them luck in their next matches =)

Quicker updates...

Evilsolo is now a Blade Master and has a seat in our Hall =)
Also, a few of our members are nearing full approval...after passing the tests. While I can't officially announce these promotions until Veera gives her approval... I still want to congratulate Ldyhawke on passing her test... she's sharp and skilled as ever! And will be our first Aes Sedai, me thinks =)

Viper is now a Tower recruit..if you see him =) And Loneagle and King Nuno will be members of the Wolf Pack, our European division, in the full.

What to expect? War with {G} I believe is first. More on that another time. I need more news updaters!!!

***From Veera***
Alright, just adding this to say that I give approval to LdyHawke and Samanosuke for their promotions, so they're now officially an Aes Sedai and Warder respectively. LdyHawke needs to choose an ajah soon, and all you eligible Warders... Just remember to keep your courting decent ;-)

Because of his hard work for the Tower, and seeing as how he is the leader of the new Euro branch, the Wolf Pack, Crimson Lonewolf is being given a spot in the Hall so that he may have a say in the running of this clan. Congratulations Crims!
Light illumine
- Kedric:

12.4.2001 - Ah, so what's
Legends may be getting older, and we may have seen two members now leave our ranks, Drizzt before, and now Darmy... but by all means, there is no end near! Take a look around, and you will find even our good man eLog with a server now, and giving away prizes on his page... Nereus's stats bulking up day by day, and new clans springing up from demo with new talent, and a few choice words I might add ;) Tournaments are springing up, there is the Best of the Best tournament, and you can sign up in the TooL forum... and of course the clan Tournament which will be starting, once we get moderators.

We will see new wars, as best as we can get them organized. We are yet to match {WAR} and Lemmings, but also I am trying to schedule weekly matches with our on-level opponents, TFA.

Crimson Lonewolf is now leading our European Division which is now in force, with our two new recruits, King Nuno, and Loneagle =) They already have proven to be good soldiers, and we hope to see them in a full rank soon ;)

Current list of nicknames I call my members (no particular order):
Drakes Cakes
Cream Cheese
Nerd or Norse

More to come? =P
- Kedric:

12.1.2001 - I'll make it quick...
Drizzy has left the tower to go solo...

Match with Lemmings clan, Saturday, December 8th... 5pm EST. Very interested fellows they are =) Should be a pretty good match, while we wait for TooL *cough*!!

Euro Division is in the works, and shall be lead under the Tower by Crimson... more to come on that soon =)

Let us all eat cake!
- Kedric:

11.19.2001 - Gosh, too much news!
Well, Sunday has passed, and our early morning match is rather forgotten now with TNT. Or is it? So we tied!! Of all things... Nerseus, Veera, Aislynn, Samanosuke, Darmy, and Adrian duked it out with the European clan The Nasty Terminators in the wee hours of the morning on Minax's Server, and had a well organized, clean match where two games both ended in 10-6 for each team =) So the resolution? Well I spoke to Lord Xen, and heck, let it go down as a tie! Given the circumstances, for us to play another morning match just to resolve this one would be more a hassle... plus, this match went really smoothly, and I do say, it was a good game, and we commend the players of TNT for it =) Thank you guys! We'll meet again on the field soon, I know it.

So as far as matches go, we are setting up steadily with TooL to match them, and I suppose the new clans should be on our list too. Also the Tournament page ( linked on our forums ) is starting to go into full swing as we organize it. Already there are rankings based on match results up starting a week ago.

MMportals has been updated, with things going on there. Link is on our page, and worth adding your clan information to Veera =)

And definitly everyone should check out the hard work of our man Nerseus! He's been working day and night to get this parser going, and by all means, the results have been beautiful, and a gold mine for the community for information on players and who really are uber whores ;) Hehehe, and besides, see how you compare! Check it out at:

I also updated some links on the top of our forum. I've been busy, but got a chance today =)

Lastly... I've been really happy with our clan as of late. Our newest members have made a big impact for our family, and there's been this good feeling since =) I'm glad of how things are going, and I am always pleased to see our members striving for awards, there dedication for matches and hard work in training, as well as the friendliness to others that everyone shares. I don't think there are enough words to say how much I appreciate each and everyone's loyalty and care that makes The White Tower what it is! Well done, and forward we continue!

Peace and Prosperity, the Golden Age of The Tower
- Kedric:

11.16.2001 - White Tower rallies for win!
It was an incredible match, but the White Tower prevailed! Despite some problems that resulted in LoT having to drop two members and us having to remove two to even things, the match was very well balanced. In the first round, Kedric, Smuggler, Nerseus, Samanosuke, EvilSolo, and I (Veera) were against Legolas, JermRiddled, Dead-Eye, Blade Runner, Waiting 2 Die, and Chronos (Who had ISP problems.) Second round, Waiting and Chronos had to leave, and we had to drop Evil and Nerse to balance the teams.
First round ended in a total of 10 to 4, for tWt. Second round was good for LoT at the beginning when they racked up 8 wins, compared to 2 for us. But a quick change in strategy led us to an incredible rally, bringing the score for that round to 10 LoT, 8 tWt. Final score was 18 to 14, tWt.
Also, I'd just like to say thanks to LoT for giving such a close match, and I apologize for any problems and confusion that happened early on.

As a result of the match, both Samanosuke and EvilSolo have earned my seal for promotion, and Samanosuke has also earned Kedric's approval. Since both of them now have all three requisite seals, Samanosuke has been promoted to Tower Guard and EvilSolo has been promoted to Warder. Congratulations!

In other news...
Be prepared for a match against TNT this Sunday at 10 AM EST.
Trolltooth has accomplished an incredible +50 point game, so he earns a Gold award for that, bravo!
The imposters and posers of the tWt clan are back in full force, so use your brain when playing with other tWt'ers. If they don't talk, use cheap tactics, or badmouth other players, then they probably aren't tWt. Use your brain! Imposters of HugMe, Veera, and Kedric have been seen, as well as probably a few others we haven't caught.

That's it for now, and as always, may the light illumine you all!
- Veera:

11.12.2001 - Clan update!
The ever so long and awaited announcement... Aislynn passed her test and is now an Accepted! =) Congratulations Lynn, your perseverance has been remarkable.

TWT has finnally gotten some challenges, and we'll be facing off with Legends of Twilight hopefully this coming friday, and TNT this coming Sunday morning. We look forward to two good games with both clans, it will be our first time fighting TNT.

Also, I'd like to mention, triple has done a wonderous new site for the LOMM community, LOMMer's Lounge. It has screenshots, interviews, and lot's of random community happenings going on all well put together. I highly recommend visiting and getting involved, it's great! =)

I'd like to personally commend TooL, I think they deserve to win Legendary Clan ( but of course we're gonna give quite a fight! =P )... and really, I have always known Lateralus for his ability to reach out to many people. The Tower has been a center of a strong family, and organization as well. Our support is different, and our goals are different. We've seen good games, and we've seen a few losses too... but I still say this, the Tower is stronger than ever, and we aren't going down anywhere near soon. Everyone in this clan do I appreciate, and love to lead.
- Kedric:

11.11.2001 - Roster update and a few other notes.
ywhtpgtfo is no longer a member of The White Tower.

Also of note, apparently the imposter/poser situation has increased lately due to recent activity of shmuk and some other losers who I don't know. He doesn't only impersonate us, but all clan leaders as well, ie. Cream of Ice. He'll cheat, say stupid things, nade like crazy, etc... This has been an ongoing issue, and I urge the community to consider this, before assuming this is the kind of attitude and behavior of the true leaders of these clans. I know them all, and this of course is apparent offensiveness and mockery.

tWt has our own ways of knowing who is who atleast in our clan. But when it comes to everyone else, just be wary...
- Kedric:

11.8.2001 - Current news from around LoMM
Greetings and Salutations one and all,
After a public announcement to an open challenge, tWt is looking at a possible match with Tool. Dates, conditions, and players are still to be determined. To keep up to date on this, visit the public forums.

Legend Awards has a new poll up! An award is being made for the win of Minax as Legendary hoster, while Legendary Clan poll is now up. Go vote, you make the difference!

Lastly for now, the current leader of the Shadow Stalkers (our allied clan) SS_MINOTAUR is stepping down. It looks to be that SS_Bloody Honor will accept the position. Spirits in this clan have been low lately after SS_Death Bringer was murdered in cold blood. We send our wishes with you Patrick, and your family.

May glory find you and wisdom guide you,

- Aislynn:

10.28.2001 - Kin has disbanded
Sadly, our longtime allies the Kin have disbanded. Internal problems with a couple members, and a lack of successful matches made the decision to disband the clan necessary. As a last show of good-will to the Kin, we will be taking in some of their older and most loyal members as full members of our clan, if they so choose. These include Adrian, Cassandra, Perrin, Talgrath (Shadow Dragon), EQPlayer, and Cadsuane.

Adrian Nightwatcher, the former leader of the Kin, has already accepted the offer and is a Youngling in the White Tower. Lancelot has received approval from the three leaders of the clan and has been promoted to the rank of Tower Guard.

Finally, a minor change in the Tower Law. From this point onward, all FUTURE recruits will not be given access to the Member's forum until they have been fully accepted into the clan. This won't affect Drake or Seuss.

As always, light illumine you all!
- Veera:

10.28.2001 - The Latest
In Tower news, Drake is now a recruit, and Samansonuke has been bestowed the rank of Youngling. I must say in all of our additions to our ranks, it has been nice to see the activeness and friendliness =) The tower has grown into quite a family!

I realize we haven't had a match for awhile now. Well, I am awaiting a response from TooL... I haven't been pushing enough maybe... but really a lot has been going on in the community, and I've also been vigorously testing with Drizzt and Veera lately in public, we have a lot of rank advancement going on these days!

Kin, our ally, has disbanded. They were the first clan to reach LOMM, and really, a great bunch of people... good friends to me, and it's just hard to see em finally go because I've seen how much they tried to keep the clan alive. We'll see what is next for their players...

Also, SLP has disbanded... snoova and cricket just didn't have the time to lead the clan anymore. This is also upsetting, because they had really good players, and well, they never were able to reach the potential they had. We were honored to face them... in possibly their only war in retail. I hope to see them around still, again, not sure what their members are doing either...

SS-BloodyHonor is working on a map for our clan... I want to thank him for offering, and this very selfless act, the Tower appreciates it, thank you!!!!!

Relax, Rejoice, Eat Cake!

- Kedric:

10.19.2001 - Promotion
Darmy's been promoted to the rank of Warder! Took me long enough to update the site... Sorry 'bout that Darm.
Also, keep an eye out for possible matches with TooL and LoT (Yes, again!) Check the forums regularly to catch all the details.
- Veera:

10.13.2001 - Our two newest members...
Well, I believe the Tower has neared it's finale for recruiting. Atleast from this point on, it's pretty much closed. But I'm pleased to welcome Dr. Seuss to our ranks, a long time fan of tWt... and Samanosuke, I'm sure he needs not the introduction. =) Both have been very patient in awaiting membership, and well, you're in now, and we're glad to have ya. =)

For our members, there is chance of advancement, and you can check the rankings page to find out where you stand at any time as far as getting a promotion.

And here it is, your moment of Zen.
- Kedric:

10.11.2001 - Newsletter sent
All members of the White Tower should have received a newsletter. If you haven't for some reason, email me, IM me, or post on the forums.
Match against SS tonight! All the subs and players, you should know how this works by now. Check the forums for details about the match, who'll do what, where to be, etcetera. Be ready!

Also, Lancelot, Nerseus, Crimson Lonewolf, and Aislynn are no longer recruits, and have been promoted to Youngling or Novice.
That's it for now, and light illumine you all!
- Veera:

10.9.2001 - Upcoming match vs our friends, SS =)
Alright, so they want another match, and of course, we'll have our team ready. So this Thursday we face off with them. If you haven't saw, they have made a new NEW map. "Shadow Lair", a warlord map... it's actually really cool, plenty of secrets, and fun for hide and seek, right Aislynn? *hee hee*

Head here for SS's site and the new map!

New members, more for our enemies to fear =)
- Kedric:

10.6.2001 - Pardu's official resignation.
After months and months of ebing around friends and some whom I almost consider family, I have decided to take my leave, due to certain problems I've had with a "friend."

It's not like I want to abandon anyone(as though you'd miss me)but being neglected by someone whom you should be able to trust and be treated nicely by isn't any fun...

I will miss you...
Evil Solo


A family is united, that we were...

- Pardu:

10.6.2001 - tWt comes together over TFA.!
I couldn't be more proud of the team work of the Tower which was displayed tonight, in our new recruits, and our match veterans. =) This has been a match long awaited, as we looked forward to facing TFA on our ground. We came out on top, having an advantage that anyone would argue, but we tried to compensate them level and match settings. Screenshot archive is updated. While now we may stand even, the war is just getting started. Next matches with TFA shall prove to be even more interesting. All I can say is, The Tower is getting stronger =) We'll be ready!!! The Tower honors those who did keep good sportsmanship in the match tonight, while the only real problem was Crying Boy... a fitting name many would agree after tonight. He was playing well too, which was the real shame.

Our MVP tonight was Lancelot, well deserved I felt, and he came through with the shine of a true twt soldier. Needless to say, I was impressed with everyone, but I couldn't express that enough =) I love this team! =) More matches to come!!! We move on.

Strength, Honor, and Friendship
- Kedric:

10.3.2001 - Match vs SLP results...
Needless to say, The Tower was honored to play SLP... straight outta the demo, into the full, and they fought down one man the whole match, and didn't mind a single bit. They have been a pleasure to play with, and true honorable players to say the least. I commend them personally... I know they woulda had us down some had they had their full force available, but things happen. TWT might have seen a victory tonight, but truly SLP made it a great game. Thanks for the match SLP!

Now it's time to gear up for The Flying Arrows, this Saturday! Let's rock it TWT! =)
- Kedric:

10.1.2001 - Our new Accepted, Gwenevere =)
That's right, Lady Gwenevere, first to try out our new testing system, has now been raised to Accepted. Congratulations Gwenevere =)
- Kedric:

9.28.2001 - Welcome new member, Crimson LoneWolf
LoneWolf will be part of recruits as of today, and let me say his honor on the field is strong and we gladly accept him as part of tWt's ranks.

Steadily we are reaching a closed membership as we have quite a team now and are really getting down to who we can accept, and not accept. All applicants who have applied, are for the looking at, but after this batch is done, I cannot promise anything. Smuggler is our recruiter as you know, he will be back on Monday, for now I'm taking care of our possible (r)'s, Dr. Suess for one, Drake for another.

Veera has outline what will now be our promotion policy. It is found on the ranks page, and we hope to have it ironed out this weekend. There are alot of players in tWt that have steadily shown they deserve a promotion if not right now, then soon. Proud of this clan! =)

And lasty, but most importantly, our friend from the start, Dartaniun has been raised to BladeMaster =) Congratulations, you will now have a lot of work on your hands. *rubs hands together* hee hee.

Honor and Glory!
- Kedric:

9.27.2001 - Clan Match with Seven Last Plagues
This coming Wednesday, October 3rd, tWt is facing off with SLP at 9PM EST. They've been a friendly group with us ever since demo, and I respect all their members. It'll be a nice match for sure =)
- Kedric:

9.26.2001 - Nerseus, recruited!
Yep, it FINALLY happened, Nerseus got recruited. I know it was a long hard process, but it was worth it wasn't it? so...

Congratulations on your being Recruited Nerseus! The light illume you!

A family is united, that we are.
- Pardu:

9.26.2001 - Match *next* Saturday With TFA
This match has been moved to possibly next saturday as I could not reserve a server for this saturday.

Original Post:
Well, 6PM EST, The Tower is finally going to see another match after a brief hiatus. The Flying Arrows are contestedly a strong team, and it'll be a good match no doubt. We've also got a pending match with SLP clan. I hope to get all our members active in matches =)

The Kin has redesigned their site. Check out the NEW Kin site here. It looks great! And they need members, so go apply!

It appears TFA beat LoT in a match yesterday, pulled this off the TooL website.
First match on an American server, TFA came out over LoT (8-5), and on the Rimfrost server in Europe, TFA won (13-1).
Clearly ping matters!
- Kedric:

9.26.2001 - A word of Caution; ShmucK is NOT a tWt.
A word of Caution; ShmucK is NOT a tWt, tWt(r), or tWtFAN member. Though ShmucK may state he is a member to you, or other players, it is a false statement. He/she has been informed numerous times and has not complied. So please ignore the tWt[r/FAN] in front of SmucK's name and leave him/her be as a normal citizen.

Also we are still missing Ywhtptgtfo, Danielle, and Telaris' e-mail addresses. They missed the last newsletter because of this, and I would like to make sure they get it.

A family is united, that we are.
- Pardu:

9.22.2001 - New happenings... *wipes forehead*
After much, much considering, Veera and I have finally compromised on a recruiting policy to accomodate the change of times. It is now posted on our JOIN PAGE, so PLEASE READ IT if you are interesting in joining =)

I am pleased to welcome Lancelot to our ranks... He will be a recruit for now, but our dear friend shows much potential, and we expect only great things from him.

Mandarb and Thom have been removed from roster, and Robinhood and Hugme moved to inactive. ( Hopefully they will be able to stay with us, we miss you guys! )

And last but not least, I am trying to get a match scheduled with The Flying Arrows ( TFA ). Though do to some time zone differences, it has not been the easist thing to get.

Right now my focus is on getting all members up to par... all our members are welcome to join the melee tourney...

Peace to all.
- Kedric:

9.20.2001 - Lancelot returns!
This one's for you Gwenevere! Lancelot has finally returned! His name in game is Lancelot*sly just as she is Gwenevere*sly. Anyways, he would like to join us, so, meet up with him, take notes, and vouch/anti/or just ignore it. Either way, welcome him!

A family is united, that we are.
- Pardu:

9.18.2001 - Tower Melee Tourney in full swing!!!
If you all haven't checked members forum recently, the White Tower currently is housing a melee tournament, based with ladder's system. Already have matches been played, and well, I hope everyone participates actively! It's really cool =)

I'll be updating the site here and there, need some new links as I can see, they are kinda getting old on me. Nivek and I have also put together a clan council for leaders of the LOMM Community. Hopefully that will bring about some big things to participate in.
- Kedric:

9.15.2001 - New Novice
Aiya! Finally, a new novice for the Tower; everyone welcome Lady Gwenevere! She's just come in from the demo a while ago, and her playing partner Sir Lancelot may be coming in from the demo and joining us in the future. Make her feel welcome, and show her the ways of the White Tower!

Also, *possible* match with TooL in the next week or so, so keep an eye out.
Light illumine you all!
- Veera:

9.13.2001 - Match against the Kin... (if you could call it that)
Hey guys, Pardu here. Wow! I played a perfect! But there was no match. After 3 or 4 rounds, the Kin's leader, Egwene, got dropped out of the game and the point of continuing was decided against as the match. Sad for us that we didnt get to match... as for them, seems they'll have to work some things out as well.
We'll be looking for another organized match now. When that is set up, we'll set up a roster. The map will most likely still be stoneham.
A family is united, that we are.
- Pardu:

9.10.2001 - Match coming up with Kin
Thursday we are scheduled to face off with our old allies the Kin. Should be a good match, and oh...we'll be ready ;) What I want to get going again is "This Week in the Tower" newsletters... for our all our members...

Seems map editing is in full swing these days. Hugme dang well starting one hell of a revolution, that's for sure! =) Cocoon's map was released, link to it in our public forum... Hopefully we'll have a few more Tower maps from Pardu since he has experience in the field.
- Kedric:

9.7.2001 - Promotions
We've got some awards and promotions, and your friendly Amyrlin is here to dole them out :-)
Hugme is the first person in the clan to officially receive the Perfect Award! She made 11 kills, and therefore receives Jade level; this will be placed in your bio, and you can place it in your signature if it suits you :-)
In terms of promotions, Rex Dart has been promoted to Tower Guard for his performance in the match yesterday, so congratulations!
Speaking of congratulations and matches that happened yesterday, I would like thank all of you for the successful match against the Legends of Twilight! May the light illumine you all!
- Veera:

9.6.2001 - tWt claims another Victory!
A huge congratulations to all who played tonight, LoT showed some heat, but we kept strong teamwork and worked it hard every round to keep em down. Rex Dart takes MVP for this match, keeping consistent all game, and working well with everyone =) Nice work man! Oasis, also in his first match, showing no remorse =) Everyone, very good game!

Promotions are in order, I'll have the update tomorrow. The tower is definitly getting better, and there's plenty more to come guys. Matches will be coming, and we're gonna be ready! Everyone is great, I'm proud to lead this clan, wouldn't be the same without everyone in it!
- Kedric:

9.3.2001 - News update! =)
Okay, now that I got this bloody thing installed, yer probably wondering where all the news went... I moved it to the archive, so please head there now to read it. I'll be giving out access to select members so they can post news. Thank Telaris for making this all possible, he's the man that allowed us to use this web hosting to make all scripting possible ( since our last host didn't have that support ).

More to come, but for now, I wanna go play LOMM, cause I need a break! =)
- Kedric:

9.2.2001 - Page updates galore!
Veera has been up to her usually busy work, and has written out the tower law. Abide by it! I will say everyone in tWt has been nothing short of a fine disciplined soldier, so evidently you really all have no problems in that area =) Also outlined is how we raise rank for members and you'll even find our new award system! Yes, awards will be given to those who meet the challenges as outlined on the awards page and we hope this will keep you striving for something better =).

Also the scrimmage with SS was a success, details are in the forum concerning thoughts and news. We now have a match scheduled with LoT this Thursday. Let's give em a second taste of defeat, shall we? =) Thanks to all who played yesterday, we were tight! And congratulations to Trolltooth, who is now raised to Warder! -Kedric Haelseth

8.26.2001 - New Developments
Recently, we faced off against TooL, and well, it was a good game till the end. We had won the first match 8-5, and kept a good lead in rounds, but by second match, we lost it towards the end, resulting in a 10-4 loss, and victory for TooL. I want to say congratulations to TooL, and thank you to Walter for reserving the server for us. But to those who worked so hard in practice and really showed a lot of effort...I was proud of everyone, and this clan is really coming together strong, with strong atitudes and devotion. Next time we'll not lose =) Well done to all those who played, it was a pleasure playing with Friendly Fire, you all did well!

I'd also like to announce, The White Tower has aligned themselves with Shadow Stalkers, and their brother clan Shadow Hunters. This is an alliance I hope to forge into a great one. It has been an honor to be in conversation with the Leaders of both clans, and they too are working hard to build a solid clan. We shall aid them and hope to have good scrimms with them as well!

And lastly, but something I'm really excited about, Rex Dart has joined our ranks! I've known him for a while around the servers, and I know he is quite welcome here, so we shall fight well together =) Alienboy has also been de-accepted into the clan... just never was the situation comfortable. He is an avid player, and I wish him well, I think there is little more I need to say about him =)

Right now I hope to re-organize and rethink our strategies and concentrate on keeping a tight ship. We have played quite a bit of matches lately, and we've seen our share of losses. Our players are amazing, and getting better every day. There should be little reason why we do lose =) We shall continue to practice, to build up, and become truly great! Oh, and submit some bio's already! Atleast the minimum information =) -Kedric Haelseth

8.17.2001 - Match Results
Both our matches are complete! First off is our match against the Legends of Twilight yesterday. I wasn't there, so I don't speak from first-hand experience, but I heard that it was a tough match. We did pull through by a good lead with 21 to 13, with each match's scores being 9-5, 7-2, 5-6. Our other match against the Flying Arrows was just finished hours ago, and unfortunately, we suffered our first loss. The game was hard, and they had some very strong players, especially in one on one combat. The final score was 9 to 22, first match being 1-16, second match bein 8-8. Also, two penalties were incurred in the second match by TFA for the HHGA/Teleport combo, which we agreed before hand not to use. All in all, I'm glad to have had a rousing match, and I look forward to more matches with these clans in the future
Also, a match against TooL is in the works, so start practicing for it. May the light illumine you all!. -Veera

8.14.2001 - Clan Relations update, Matches
Alright, a busy week for the tower. We have two matches scheduled, one with Legends of Twighlight ( LoT ) and the other The Flying Arrows ( TFA ). Check forum for details, they should take place respectively on Thursday and Friday of this week. Let's show em what the Tower is made of =) Also, I updated the clan relations page finally. I should discuss alliances soon and how they are going to work. Currently, everyone knows we are only allied to the Kin and all has been well with that. Let's keep on rolling! =) -Kedric Haelseth

8.10.2001 - Congratulations! Promotions are in order =)
I'd like to announce the opening to the doors of the Tower Hall. Our new Blade Masters: Smuggler, Telaris, Drizzt, and Pardu Edwin will now have privilege to the Hall, where we will conduct much of our decision making for the whole of the clan. It is a great honor and to be taken with utmost maturity. Your skills on the battlefield have also earned you this rank, and you are an example of a true tWt soldier. Also congratulations are in order to our newest Tower Guards: Evil Solo, TrollTooth and Oasis. To match your activeness are also our newly promoted and always lovely ( =P ), Accepted: Lady Danielle and HugMe!

Our clan is becoming quite strong, and I hope all will remain active and continue to grow. Activeness is important to increasing in rank and do not fret if you aren't raised right away! We are all a team, and I want everyone to enjoy being a part of that. All but those who are inactive are on good terms and promotions will be in order soon, do not fret =). Congratulations to everyone once again! *Wishes Veera could be here to help announce this to you all, she was so pleased to finally sit down with me and discuss ranks* She loves you all! Hehe =P
-Kedric Haelseth

8.9.2001 - Tower Victory!
A long battle, well fought till the end. I want to thank Minax for making this match possible. We were in the need of a server, and he more than accommodate us as well as stood beside as much as he could to assure a smooth game. Also I want to thank Shadow Stalkers, for challenging us and sticking to it till the end, we hope to face off again soon. We will keep in touch and if you ever want a scrimmage, let us know! =) I am sure many SS feel a little discouraged, but these matches are the first of many in the LOMM Community, and we set precedents with each one. The Tower honors your willingness. Screenshot archive is updated with the results of tonight's match; check it!

Now, also of note, I was so happy with how everyone played today and how well we got this organized. What Veera was hinting at is true, promotions are to be in place =) The Hall of the Tower will now have a purpose... and I am finalizing everything right now because Veera, unfortunately, is grounded for 4 months =( This means I will be in charge of things, but we will continue to work together. Another update will be in the forums, and here, listing who has advanced in rank. Again, tonight was impressive to my eyes... I was pleased with our organization and look forward to always strengthening the will and glory of the White Tower. Good Game everyone, and thank you for being there! -Kedric Haelseth

8.8.2001 - Clan Match against Shadow Stalkers
If you visit the forums at all, then you already know about our match. It will take place this Thursday, tomorrow, at 6 PM Eastern time! This is 5 PM Central, 3 PM Pacific, 11 PM GMT. Our players for this will be Veera, Kedric, Drizzt, Smuggy, and EvilSolo, with Oasis as a back-up and Pardu hosting. Shadow Stalkers will be fielding Samanosuke, Funky Toast, Dark Knight, Friggin Bandaid, and Aislynn, with Darkwind as a back-up. All the vital stats are in the forums. Oh, and do well in this match; there may be some promotions coming to you all after this... ;-) -Veera

7.26.2001 - New Member!
Everyone, say hello to Hugme, our newest Novice in the White Tower! Also, be sure to check the public forum, because we have many new applicants.
We've been working on the ranks, and we should be able to start promotions soon, if all goes well.
I'll be going on vacation up to my grandparents for the next week and a half starting tomorrow, and I won't have access to a computer at all, so obviously, I'm not going to be active during that time. Kedric is in complete charge of the clan while I'm gone so everyone keep that in mind. After all that, there isn't that much more to be added. We have a 'possible' match with the Kin on August 3rd, but that's not for certain. If the match does happen, you'll have to play without me, alright? The light illumine you, and I'll see you in a week or two! -Veera

7.22.2001 - Match canceled; Site updates
Okay, I know that you know that the match with the Warriors of Chaos was canceled.I know it was a big inconvenience for most of you and I apologize. We'll try to set up another match with another clan sometime.
Other than that, there's a couple minor additions to the site... Added the information about the ajahs, updated the 'Join' page so that it now accurately reflects our recruiting methods, and am adding EvilSolo's name to the members list. That's really all there is to say... We have two more potential members for the Tower, so keep an eye out for Kurik and Norgard on the servers. And as always, may the light illumine you! -Veera

7.20.2001 - Patch 1.1 released
3do released the first patch-up to Legends. Just so you know, if you're playing in the match tonight, you MUST download this patch! You can get it at or (I've heard) run the game and it will ask you to update. I'm thankful for the new patch! No more splash damage through walls, no charge wand cheat, no lag outs at the score screen, and the Princess's AI has been improved! (They felt pity on the dumb blonde and programmed into it a few more IQ points ;-) )
Also, our match against WoC is tonight! I have not received a reply from Warblade about a change in the rules, so I assume we'll be using the same rules we discussed earlier. If you want to get some last minute practice in, I suggest you start soon! We will be meeting in our chatroom 30 minutes prior to the match; that's 8:30 Eastern Time. Drizzt, Kedric, Trolltooth, Smugglerq and Veera should be there. Telaris will be our backup. And Pardu, would you mind hanging around in case we need a server or another backup? That about wraps it up for today. Get to work! Chop chop! Oh, and light illumine you and all that... -Veera

7.16.2001 - Clan match against Warriors of Chaos (WoC)
Our match against WoC is scheduled for this Friday, July 20th, at 9PM Eastern. 5 on 5 match, and currently, Veera, Kedric, Drizzt, Trolltooth, and Telaris have volunteered. A backup would be nice in case someone is disconnected, so feel free to volunteer. More information about the upcoming match is in the Member's Forum. Let's all get ready to practice, 'cause we need to make this match a good one. Also, I'd like to welcome some new members to the White Tower since our last update: Darmy and LdyHawke! The light illumine you! -Veera

6.21.2001 - Full version has arrived!
Just a few updates: I've been playing the full version for two days now, and I have to say I am quite impressed with the final result. The new weapons are all very nice, and the expensive ones while very powerful, do cost a lot, so they aren't seen so often. There is a lot of skill in each weapon depending on how you use it, and the new maps are large and fun! Warlord maps are also very cool and I like the change of pace from normal rescues and sword maps. There is enough variety to keep you coming back for more. And no cheats that I've noticed, just be wary of spell users, they may look like they are cheating, but they got some really cool haste or invisibility going on hehe. Also: we are working on finalizing some rankings for the members that exist already. I am basically bumping all previous members, and I am working on getting up the rankings descriptions for male. ( I've been very busy ). Check members page for updates. Tower Guards are in question. If you are getting the game, and post in the members forum and are acknowledged, you will be of warder stature. -Kedric Haelseth

6.12.2001 - Just more news!
New Members: Smugglerq, and Drizzt. Welcome both of you to the tower, and enjoy your stay. Also, Arc the Lad will now be known as Pardu Edwin. News letters are sent out to all members so that everyone is up to date. Upcoming match with SDS is expected very shortly, so I urge everyone to post availability so we can have enough players!!! Veera is working hard with writing up the design of the clan, and how ranks and everything will work. I will post it all when she is complete. Heh, and on a light's nice seeing everyone on the server kicking some ass. If you have any screenshots of high scores, feel free to send em to me so I can post them =) See you guys in the forums and on the battlefield! -Kedric Haelseth

6.3.2001 - Page Updates
Tower Law page is updated. I also added an outline for clan matches for future reference. I expect all members to read it thoroughly and follow suit =) Members page is also being updated as of today. -Kedric Haelseth

6.2.2001 - Match vs The Kin, Results
I want to thank The Kin greatly for making this first match a success. And despite the rough areas about server lag, glitches causing a few tWt members to get kicked out, and some awkward situations, we were able to play some solid rounds, and a match that I think was well played all around. Our new member, MazeM, played along side Veera, Arc, and I in a four on four on Princess Rescue. While first match-up was close, tWt dominated in the second game on the evil side bringing a victory of 13-6 over the Kin. Again I'd like to thank EQplayer for hosting the server, and the Kin for taking time to field this match. Good Game guys, and hope to play you again in the very near future. Screenshot archive will be updated with whatever screenshots we have of the match, shortly. -Kedric Haelseth

5.31.2001 - First Clan Match
Clan Match against the Kin is scheduled for this Saturday at 5PM EST. Check the members forum for more details. Also I've been updating the pages here and there and I hope to have everyone within contact shortly so we can get things underway! -Kedric Haelseth

5.28.2001 - Rise of the LOMM Tower
Up...and being worked on. Forums work...everything else is on the way =) Welcome to the White Tower. Currently headed by Veera and Kedric. This is an LOMM clan even though the demo is only out for it right now. -Kedric Haelseth


The White Tower logo created by Dracous - LOMM Graphics by 3d0 - Site Design by Kedric Haelseth - Don't steal, be original.