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Awards are given based upon a person's performance in independent play. If you qualify for any of the awards below, take a screenshot and send it to the Amyrlin or Master Gaiden and they will give you instructions for using the award. The award will be placed on the members page and in your signature on the EzBoard forums. We will not confirm the award without the screen shot.

Most Valuable Player
Earned by being the best player in a clan match. Only lasts until the next match.
Most Valuable Player
High Score Game
Game in which you earn 30 kills or more
30 or more kills
40 or more kills
50 or more kills
60 or more kills
Perfect Game
Game in which you play the whole round and have zero deaths
Perfect Game, 10 or more kills
Perfect Game, 20 or more kills
Perfect Game, 30 or more kills
Perfect Game, 40 or more kills



The White Tower logo created by Dracous - LOMM Graphics by 3d0 - Site Design by Kedric Haelseth - Don't steal, be original.