Join Our Ranks
If you wish to join the White Tower,
simply go to our forums here
and enter our Tower Applicants forum. Make a
post explaining a bit about yourself, what
talents you have, why you're joining, and what
you can contribute to the Tower. If the clan
deems you worthy, you will be allowed to wear
the tWt(r) tag which signifies a new recruit.
new recruits
wearing the tWt(r) tag, the clan will watch
you closely to see whether you are *truly*
White Tower material. After a period of time
lasting one to two weeks, the clan will vote
If this
vote is positive, the recruit will be promoted
to the rank of Novice or Youngling, given
access to the Member's Forum, and becomes an
official member of the clan.
the applicant will be asked to remove the tag,
and perhaps asked to re-apply at a later date.