Hall Of Fame
This is a listing of
all the Awards that
past honored members as well as current
members have acheived, they are listed in
order of highest award level each member has
acheived. These awards are given based on
either a Screen Shot sent in from an extremely
well played game or by a game that earned an
award that was witnessed personally by either
the Amyrlin or MasterGaidin. If there are any
awards missing, please send a screen shot of
the match deserving of the award and it shall
be added.
Trolltooth |
Crimson Lonewolf |
Kedric Haelseth |
Samanosuke |
Avylen |
Dracous |
Veera |
Shifty |
Walrus |
Rex Dart |
Erineh |
Drake |
Lancelot |
Genocide |
Gatorade |
Nuno |
Nerseus |
Hermione |
9daggers |
Lord Soth |
UnknownOne |
Luther |
Aislynn Rain |
Xilandius |
Loki |
Sinistrad |
Ethon |
Tempest |
Duncan McDonuts |
Kujo Dragonheart |
Triton |
Rheidaus |
lbgurl |