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Tower Law

typical match setup

- No Monsters
- Two 20-30 minute games on map of choice
- Switch teams between games.
- No Ubers
- Friendly Fire
- Locked Chase Cam

- Realistically the game will start when map loads, and everyone joins the correct team. This must be planned the map before... so everyone will know on next map load, that it is LIVE.
- Server host must decided a day before the match atleast, and the password should be available to all match players.

fielding of tWt members

- Must match evenly, depending on how many members the enemy fields.
- Ideally two subs should be available, but realistically, one will do.
Subs need to be in contact with all players in the match, so that if a member drops out, he can notify him to join. Password and name of server should be known so it can be passed to members playing and subs.
- All members will be notified as far in advance as possible of matches, a thread in the members forum will allow for posting availability. Final roster will be decided a day or two before the match.
- It is understood not every member can play every match, but tWt does not discriminate and we want to allow all members to play on the field. Members that have played many consecutive matches should be considerate to newer members who wish to play, and allow them a spot if possible.

conduct in match of tWt members

- It should go without say that every tWt member's actions reflect the Tower as a whole, and all members should respect the enemy, and be good sports.
- Complaining to the enemy is not acceptable. Realistically there will be lag, there will be accidents, and such should be tolerated properly and with maturity.
- We're out there to have fun, but we need to keep organized. Follow orders from higher officers, be a team player, and suggest new strategies when possible.
- Anyone leaving a match, for any reason must notify a sub. Those who leave the server out of being a sore loser will put in jeopardy any decision for them to be fielded next match.
- All members MUST follow the rules lined out for the match. Banned weapons must not be used...etc...

when accidents happen

- If there is a call of cease fire, that means stay in base, and DON'T FIRE. Any delays in the game due to members dropping out often, will be handled as it happens. Decisions should be made whether to wait or continue playing.
- If there is a grave problem during a round, both teams shall decide if the round counts or not. Realistically we can do nothing about one team gaining more money than the other.
- Each team should play fairly, and decisions need to be fair, and agreed on by both sides. Realistically not all clans cooperate, but let's be one that does.

final words

- Remember, have respect for your enemy, act maturely, and don't back down no matter the score! Every kill, every block, every move counts. No one is unimportant in a match. Enjoy the game!

For the Glory of the Tower

Kedric Haelseth
Previously Master Gaidin



The White Tower logo created by Dracous - LOMM Graphics by 3d0 - Site Design by Kedric Haelseth - Don't steal, be original.