Women Ranks
A novice is the lowest rank
in the Tower; merely a young girl who aspires
to become an Aes Sedai. They always wear a
dress of pure white and are not allowed to
leave the Tower. Novices must be trained hard
and have their character built strong; the
weak must be weeded out, therefore, a novice
is set to do menial chores around the Tower
every day, and always under the watchful eye
of the Mistress of Novices. A novice must
defer to any member of the Tower, even the
servants are of more influence, and when an
Aes Sedai speaks, a novice jumps to do their
bidding. When they aren't performing their
daily chores, novices are practicing their
skills. Only the strong who truly wish to
become Aes Sedai are allowed to become an
Accepted by completing the three trials.
Novices in the clan are new
members who haven't yet progressed to the
rank of Accepted. A Novice must wait at
least one week before she can test for a
higher rank. Novices must show respect to
all other members of the clan and obey their
orders without question.
Accepted have slightly more
freedom and influence than Novices, yet the
time they earn with less chores is more than
made up by more study. The Accepted are
predominantly in charge of watching the
novices, when the Mistress herself cannot be
bothered. Accepted always wear a white dress
with seven stripes, representing the seven
ajahs, at the hem. They also receive a gold
ring in the shape of a serpent biting its
tail, which they must wear at all times on the
middle finger of their left hand. They aren't
allowed to leave the city, but they may leave
the Tower grounds.
An Accepted is on her way to
becoming a full Sister. An Accepted must
defer to anyone above her in rank, but has
free reign over the younger Novices;
Accepted are often assigned to even teach
those novices. At this point, they should be
thinking about which Ajah they will choose
and which Warder they will bond. Again, they
must spend at least one week at this rank
before advancing to the next rank of Aes
Aes Sedai
As an Aes Sedai, a woman now
has practically free reign. Their first duty
as an Aes Sedai is to choose an ajah: Blue,
Red, Yellow, Green, Gray, White, or Brown. If
there is a Warder that the Aes Sedai (Sister)
likes, she may choose to bond him. An Aes
Sedai has many different duties, predominantly
depending upon their ajah. Some Sisters stay
in the White Tower, performing duties for the
city of Tar Valon, studying in the records and
library, or teaching the novices and accepted.
Most Sisters however, leave Tar Valon to
meddle in the affairs of countries, perform
quests and tasks, and whatever else may be of
use to the Tower. However, an Aes Sedai must
do the orders of the Amyrlin, and must always
follow the three oaths...To speak no word that
is not true... To never use their power as a
weapon, except in the defense of their own
lives, against evil, or to save the life of
another... To never create a weapon of
destruction. Aes Sedai may wear whatever they
wish to, but on formal occasions, they wear
their shawl, which is fringed with the color
of their ajah. They may wear their serpent
ring on any finger.
An Aes Sedai is a full member of
the clan. An Aes Sedai is treated with great
respect all over the world, so they must
show that they earned that privilege by
showing good conduct. Aes Sedai have chosen
an Ajah, and they must live with that choice
for the rest of their lives: Ajahs may not
be changed. Aes Sedai make up the brunt of
our army, along with their Warders, and will
be given first choice in upcoming matches,
unless there are others who are much better
qualified or need to participate in a match.
Aes Sedai are in charge of Novices and
Accepted, and have much influence over all
the warder class. Aes Sedai are supposed to
be treated as equals by all other Aes Sedai,
even the Sitters and those of higher ranks.
However, the Amyrlin's orders or the Hall's
orders (NOT an individual Sitter's orders)
are still to be obeyed strictly. An Aes
Sedai must wait at least 2 weeks to test for
the rank of Sitter, or perhaps less if the
Hall or Amyrlin so decides that it is
necessary to advance them sooner.
A Sitter is a member of the
Hall, the governing body of the Tower. Each
Ajah has two Sitters to represent them, and
these two are usually the strongest or the
oldest of their ranks. A Sitter is the highest
rank one can receive under their own power,
the rank of Amyrlin can only be received by
the one female leader of the White Tower.
A Sitter must be a good leader,
and no one with questionable leadership
abilities or maturity will be allowed to
this rank. A Sitter does not have any power
over other Aes Sedai, and are treated as
equals, the Sitter simply has leadership
power in the clan. Their decisions as a
group have great weight in the clan, and can
even supersede the Amyrlin's decisions with
a ¾ majority. The Amyrlin must listen
to the Hall's suggestions when she makes her
own decisions. The Hall is also in charge of
initiating new members to the ranks of
Sitter and Blademaster, declaring war or
peace on other clans, and settling disputes
in the clan.
Keeper of
the Chronicles
The Keeper of the Chronicles
is an assistant to the Amyrlin, and is chosen
by the Amyrlin to take on a variety of duties.
The primary duty of the Keeper is to manage
tasks that the Amyrlin cannot handle, to act
as a leader in her absence, and to maintain
the vast library of records that the Tower
The Amyrlin Seat elects a Keeper
of the Chronicles whenever she is raised.
The Amyrlin has sole control over the
Keeper, and may choose to demote her back to
Sitter at any time if deemed necessary. The
Hall may also vote to forcibly remove her
title by a vote with a three-quarters
majority. The Keeper is an honorary title,
and her duties will mostly be decided upon
by the Amyrlin. When raised to this rank,
the Keeper will have access to the Hall as a
full member, unless the Hall is
full. In this case, the Keeper will receive
access to the Hall, but will not be allowed
to vote, and will not be considered a full
Hall member. The Keeper is usually, but not
always, next in line for the Amyrlin Seat. A
Keeper is considered of equal rank as any
other Hall member.
Amyrlin Seat
The Amyrlin is the most
powerful member of the clan. She rules the
Tower, and her word is law unless vetoed by
the Hall. All those of lower ranks defer to
her. The Amyrlin also has the responsibility
of handling foreign affairs, finances, severe
breaches of Tower conduct, wars, and the
welfare of the city of Tar Valon.
The Amyrlin has first say and
last say in all matters of the clan.
However, it is her duty to listen to the
opinion of the Hall, and if the vote there
is large enough, is required to do as they
ask. There may only be one Amyrlin, who is
voted to the position by the Hall. The
candidate must have a ¾'s majority in
the Hall to be appointed to the rank. If no
candidate has a ¾'s majority, the
Master Gaidin must choose from among the two
predominant candidates. The Amyrlin's duties
include authorizing treaties of war and
peace, determining punishments, changing and
authorizing the rules as seen fit, promoting
the clan in the community, daily clan
maintenance, and informing the clan of all
leadership decisions.