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Men Ranks


A Youngling is the beginning rank for anyone who wishes to train in fighting in the Tower. While not all men who become Warders were Younglings in the Tower, those who do train in the Tower are always sought after first. Younglings spend a large part of their time training with a large variety of weapons, especially the sword. During training, they learn the logic and skill of battle, and learn the cold emotion it takes to separate one's self from the world around him. When not training, Younglings live in the Tower barracks, but have free reign to travel the Tower grounds and meet some of the Novices; not in their sleeping quarters though, for obvious reasons. All their training takes place under the guiding hand of a skilled Blademaster to ensure that they are the best-trained in the world. While Younglings must be trained hard, they spend a comparatively short time at this rank compared to the Novices, who must be broken in.

Younglings are members of the Warder class that have not progressed to the rank of Tower Guard. They must defer to all those of higher ranks, but they are treated as equals with Novices and Accepted. They must remain at this rank at least one week before progressing.

Tower Guard

After completing the rigorous training of the Younglings, a potential warder is drafted as a Tower Guard. At this rank, they do comparatively little that's actually constructive; they're predominant duty at this point is to show that they are Warder material, prove that they are willing to do menial chores without question, and show off for the Aes Sedai who may wish to bond them. However, just because their duties aren't world-saving, they do have the very important job of preventing riots in the city, guarding the Amyrlin and Keeper, and providing escorts to Aes Sedai.

A Tower Guard is an intermediate between a Warder and a Youngling. While they can no longer learn more as a Youngling without hands-on experience, they aren't seasoned enough to become a Warder. At this point, they should concentrate on honing their skills, and deciding upon which Aes Sedai he would like to be bonded to. They must remain at this rank for one week before advancing.


A Warder is a man whose sole purpose is to guard his Aes Sedai with his life. In return, he receives the ability to go long periods without sleep, heal faster, and receive great endurance. A Warder is usually emotionally attached to his Aes Sedai, although this isn't always the case. Each Warder, in addition to the benefits bestowed upon him by the bond, also receives a camouflaging cloak whose colors change depending upon the surroundings. When a Warder dies, his Aes Sedai feels intense grief for a long period of time. When his Aes Sedai dies, a part of the Warder dies with her. Most Warders often go to their deaths themselves trying to avenge her. Those that survive are never the same, responding to the world, but taking no joy from it.

Warder's are the workhorses of the clan; they are expected to be the battle leaders by working for the clan, and protecting his Aes Sedai at all costs. Warders have authority over Tower Guards and Younglings, but aren't expected to interfere with their training beyond an occasional lesson. That is a Blademaster's job. Warders have a large degree of independence, but they must follow the orders of the Amyrlin, the Master Gaidin, and his Aes Sedai. Beyond that, they are free to do what they wish. A Warder must wait 2 weeks before becoming a Blademaster.

Blade Master

A Blademaster is simply a Warder who has become a teacher. While they still remain bonded to his Aes Sedai, nothing but death or stilling can dissolve the bond, they also have taken on the duty of teaching the Younglings in the Tower. They teach them the ways of the sword, and distribute punishment when necessary. Only a Blademaster is given permission to wear the Heron mark on his blade, a sign of a true warrior. They learn forms that have incredible grace... and incredible power.

A Blademaster is a member of the Hall, and therefore MUST be a good leader! No one with questionable leadership abilities or maturity will be allowed this rank! A Blademaster does not have any power over other Warders, and are treated as equals, the Blademaster simply has leadership power in the clan. The Hall's decisions as a group have great weight in the clan, and can even supersede the Amyrlin's decisions with a ¾ majority. The Amyrlin must listen to the Hall's suggestions when she makes her own decisions. The Hall is also in charge of initiating new members to the ranks of Sitter and Blademaster, declaring war or peace on other clans, and settling disputes in the clan.

Teacher of Swords

The Teacher of Swords is an honorary position appointed by the Master Gaidin and acts as his assistant and advisor in regard to the training of Tower members and the formulation of battle strategies. The Teacher of Swords may be selected from any rank. The Teacher’s main duty is training of recruits of the Tower, but the Master Gaidin may dictate to him any other duties as he sees fit. The Teacher of Swords may also propose men for promotions, but has no authority to act on his propositions.

Master Gaidin

The Master Gaidin is second in power only to the Amyrlin herself, although in many ways, even they are equals. The Master Gaidin holds final say over all Warders of the Tower, commands the Tower Army, and decides upon all battle strategies. His opinions hold great influence on the Amyrlin, and is respected among the Hall. In fact, it is often the case that he is bonded to the Amyrlin. The Master Gaidin rules the clan in the absence of the Amyrlin, and all his proclamations are law unless vetoed by the Hall, or the Amyrlin.

The Master Gaidin has a great amount of power in the clan, superseded only by the Amyrlin herself. It is his job to tell the Amyrlin his opinions, and to take charge when the Amyrlin is unable to handle the clan, whether due to prohibitive circumstances or incapable leadership. There may only be one Master Gaidin, who is voted into the position by the Hall. The candidate must have a ¾'s majority in the Hall to be appointed to the rank. If no candidate has a ¾'s majority, then the Amyrlin must choose from among the leading two candidates. The Master Gaidin's duties include leading the Warders, determining battle strategies, setting times for clan matches, leading the clan in battle, and ruling in the absence of the Amyrlin.



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