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The Seven Ajahs

When a woman becomes an Aes Sedai, she must choose an Ajah. Each Ajah is devoted to a different task and purpose. If a Sister bonds, her Warder also becomes a member of that Ajah for the purposes of this clan.


A member of the Blue Ajah is dedicated to fighting for and protecting noble causes around the world. They rarely spend much time in the White Tower, preferring to roam the world. A Blue is usually the first choice when the Amyrlin has a special duty that requires extreme bravery or challenge, with a Green being a close second. Blues, in their many travels, often find a great many young women and young men who would like to go to the Tower, or have the ability to join the Tower. As such, they have become the predominant recruiters of the Aes Sedai.


Brown sisters seek knowledge. In fact, they have their nose in a book so often that they seem to be living in another world; however, believing that they are not listening or paying attention to you while studying can be a deadly mistake. Their eyes and ears must be sharp if they are to gather information. A Brown's duty is to maintain the clan's website, and to discover useful information, strategies, tactics, and statistics about the world of Legends


The Gray Ajah are pacifists and diplomats. They devote all their time to promoting peace in the world and preventing war, and since their primary goal is always peace, they make very skilled diplomats. However, they are not cowards, and know when war is necessary. Because of this, Gray's are in charge of all foreign affairs and are to determine the time and place of clan matches.


Green is the Ajah of choice for girls at heart. They are the only Ajah that is allowed to bond more than one Warder, and they do so with robust, often bonding five or more! Greens are also the only Ajah that truly falls in love with their Warders, and it is not uncommon for them to marry one. However, with all those Warders, they are expected to do a lot of service for the Tower to justify the drain on resources. Together, a Green and her followers are to become a fighting force unto themselves. They are to train together and become formidable together. This is why the Green Ajah is often called the Battle Ajah; they are prepared to fight when necessary, and have the power to do so.


Reds are almost the exact opposite of Blues. Their demeanor is not of justice, but of outright destruction. Their predominant duty is to hunt down those that abuse their power, and destroy them. Especially men. In fact, Reds dislike almost all men, and never take a Warder. A Red must be able to hold her own in battle, since few of her fellow sisters will fight with her except other Reds, and men will avoid her at all costs. Also, by their very demeanor, they make very good police for the Tower, finding members who break the rules.


White is the Ajah of logic, philosophy, and truth. They believe that knowledge, battle, and possessions are unnecessary for the Light to prevail. They show very little emotion, even compared to other Aes Sedai, and believe that life is a small price to pay for good. Other Aes Sedai consider them cold and emotionless, and a pain to be around. Their ability to think things through thoroughly yet quickly and without remorse makes them great battle tacticians, and they are the most capable leaders in a large-scale match.


Yellows spend all their time learning new and untried healing techniques, and healing those who are sick. Their skills in the art of medicine are unrivaled, and people travel from all over the world to find a Yellow Sister to heal diseases no one else could. A Yellow Sister is predominantly focused upon the defensive aspect of warfare, and will 'hold the base,' rather than run into the tide of battle. It is their duty to protect those who ask for or need their protection.


The White Tower logo created by Dracous - LOMM Graphics by 3d0 - Site Design by Kedric Haelseth - Don't steal, be original.