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Tower News

7.05.12 - Legends of 2012
Despite several years going by, the LOMM community has seen new life with both active players and servers.  Organizing times of play and larger gatherings have been made easier thanks to the continued efforts of Blammo and the LOMMHQ community along with the facebook group and members. 

The tWt website and forums have been restored to it's "last known good configuration" of what I could find (keep in mind ezboard had a huge data loss on the forums). 
When Veera and I started this branch of the Wheel of Time gaming community, we both wanted to ensure the Tower will always stand.  But that was only the beginning; and with a future unknown.  It took a lot of time and dedication from everyone and that does not go unappreciated.  All of the members that the tower has seen; have played a valuable role in keeping it strong even years after.  What took place in LOMM from 2003 on I do not have the records of but for today's active community I recognize the history on these grounds and have made an effort to preserve them. 

Any of the former tWt members who are inactive I hope may return at some point and take look back at their time here and maybe even join a game!  There's old faces and good action out there on the servers; not bad for a game that has no support at this point except for it's fans. I will continue to update links for any other living clan sites for historical purposes through both the forums or tWt website as long as they are available.

Thank you and in the words of Blammo's great videos "come get medieval!"
- Kedric Haelseth
11.8.03 - Hot Pink is #382349, Cee is #1382348 ;)
With impressive skills and activeness, Lbgurl is now an Accepted and Erineh is now a Tower Guard. Congratulations to Lbgurl and Erineh!

Our current applicants are Duncan, Sieg, and Syth!! Good luck you 3. =) Hopefully you will make it in tWt!

In the next few weeks we will have 3 matches with BM, AVA, and TN! Ohh this is going to be a blast! Too bad the tWt Battle of the Classes was postponed. =/

- Hermione & Kedric
11.1.03 - Happy Halloween
In the past month and a half we had four matches. 420, WAR, FoC, and DK. Each of these clans have put up an all-round friendly match and we had alot of fun.

I'm very proud to have had the clan working together and being able to win every one of these matches and we're not done there, our wake of destruction is not yet over.

Our website has been currently updated. Erineh has been accepted to tWt!!! Who is our newest member, and jesus does he have skill and potential. I'm also sorry for the loss of other members as we have had to remove them from inactiveness.

Good job. =) As a reminder for those who wishes to be in tWt, there is a possibility that you might not get in because of the number of tWits already.

Congratulations to Juzam a couple of weeks ago. He had his first new-born baby on October 9th, 2003!! OMG! She is SOOO cute =D

Well, here's something surprising for ya. On Nov. 7th we'll be having a contest called "The Battle of the Classes".
It will be different classes against different classes in LoMM and it'll be an all-out battle royale, it'll be interesting to watch.

Have fun in the game...also for any who is interested in joining, we have spots remaining =)
*tWits only*

- Hermione & Drake
9.13.03 - Lemons! Oh...and victory as well!

Today we had an excellent and well fought match with 420! Although both teams fought well and did their best tWt did however come out with the win. With the final score of 16-5. Good match 420. As to celebrate this occasion I'm very happy to announce Rheidaus and Xilandius as the Tower's newest Warders...Meh, with all the Warders I'd like to see how our female half of the Tower will choose. Choose wisely Aes Sedai, personally I think picking a name out of the hat works best. Oh...and I forgot our little youngling Drizzt has been risen to Tower Guard, have fun Drizzt

9.3.03 - Return of old friends!

Today is a special day for the tower. Why, you ask? Because today is the day that two old friends have returned to us! Welcome back home Luther and Doña Diabla! You've been greatly missed, and we're very glad to have you with us again!

We've also (luckily) been able to return to our old server. The backup only lasted for a day, but it helped us get focused on fixed this puppy up! Everything should be up to date now! Welcome back again Luther, Doña, We hope you enjoy your stay!

-Rheidaus Urandhel
9.2.03 - Updates, updates, and did I mention, updates?

It's been quite a while since we've had any updates. We've had a few problems with servers and whatnot, but we've got a backup now! Anyhow, we recently had a match with LoT, on August 11th. It was a really good match, and we prevailed, 15 to 8. Due to their performance in the match, three members earned themselves a promotion! Congratulations to Rondrac, Rheidaus, and Helphasto on moving up to tower guard. And a special congratulations to DjinnJuzam, the Tower's newest warder!

We've recently also had a few of our Recruits make it into the clan. Congratulations to Kat, Godsmack, and lbgurl on making it! To those of you who didn't make it this time around, don't give up hope! Keep at it! For the time being, screenshots are down, we'll get them back as soon as we possibly can!

-Rheidaus Urandhel
7.16.03 - Who doesn't like good news?

The last couple months have been pretty quiet in the White Tower, but after a rather busy week, it's about time we update this old, yellow front page. First off, we've had a few new members come to the Tower recently, such as Caba and Drunken Master, while a few of our old friends have returned to us. It's good to have you back Nerseus, Helphasto, heck, maybe even Drizzt!

Our recent match with AvA on July 13th was incredibly close, and despite a few fumbles at the beginning, tWt managed to eke out a win, 16-14. It was a great match AvA! Drunken Master (Stigmus) was given the title of MVP for this match due to his high score and his impressive princess rescues, but all of our members did well. Following the match, a few well-deserved promotions were given out to Drunken Master, Nerseus, Xilandius, Shocka, and Sheek This brings Shocka up to the rank of Aes Sedai, an event that hasn't happened in a *long* time in the Tower! As an Aes Sedai, Shocka can now choose an ajah and, if she wants, a warder. Congrats!

-Veera Anlai
5.19.03 - Busy Busy Busy

Well, it's a busy time of year for a lot of folks in the Tower. The stress of finals have slowed things down a bit in some ways, but the Tower is continually growing. We have quite a few potential recruits including our old friend Smuggler, and new faces like Rondrac.

Also, Reverser has left G to join us. Silent Night is also interested in joining ( from G as well ). I've known G clan for awhile; and I've known Rapier for awhile too. He's a great guy, and well as leaders, we must accept that some people are just happier in other clans. G has always been a good clan, and it has a good leader now; I really hope there are no hard feelings. We do need active members to stay on top in this game. Hopefully we'll be able to match soon. As Silent Night said, it's better to update the news with a couple of sentences then let it sit here and turn yellow =P

- Kedric Haelseth
4.22.03 - A New Age for the White Tower

I'm sure everyone is well aware the tower lost several members, most of whom went to join the PR clan. While everyone has been cool about it; it had left the Tower with a short roster. But now our leadership has been restored, recruiting has been operating smoothly, and old faces are returning =)

The White Tower is now lead by Veera, as our new Amyrlin Seat. Long has she been the target of the LOMM community but never has she backed down. We anticipate she will carry out the life of the job with ease. To match her roles on the male side is our new master gaidin, Drake. He's been in the clan awhile now; he is loyal to the Tower, kind to the people in it, and has a powerful will to do great things for the military in this clan; and getting us back up to speed within our ranks. As their right hand, Veera has chosen Lady Hermione for Keeper of Chronicles, and Drake has chosen me, Kedric Haelseth, as Teacher of Swords. We will be helping take on the larger tasks, and keeping things orderly in the thick of rough times.

The White Tower welcomes back our long friend, King Nuno! His return reassures our faith that the Tower will again be formidable. We also believe our Euro ranks will be filled once again; allowing us to face a larger variety of clans. Also returning is Adrian Nightwatcher, and Sheek Marai... both long friends of the White Tower and we know their skill on the battlefield will be welcomed without worries.

The Tower is finalizing it's structure, and putting in place goals. We are not through... the tower has not fallen! In fact, we plan to continue to grow; not just in size, but in our hearts... perhaps we'll re-unite with PR after all. Only time will tell.

Again, thank you to all who have contributed their time to this clan; it would not be what it is today, if not for you.

- Kedric Haelseth
4.6.03 - State of the Tower - In Control

Despite the leaving of our members; we all remain friends and are working towards restoring order here in the clan. So there were some differences of opinions, but in the last 12 hours I have seen something more important. Everyone trying to work things out. To the members that have left (Galahad, DeathGate, Sinjo); there are no hard feelings, and I know we could all appreciate what they have brought to the clan while they were here. While I hope they reconsider as we restore order, I wish them well in their journey's. I do not see a reason for grudges; and I hope none exist here.

Right now, things are under control and operations are near 100%. Yes, we will have new leaders shortly, but our match coordinator remains Drake. We are still looking for players to field in our matches; we have many more to face!


- Kedric Haelseth
4.6.03 - Membership Changes
Our little friend Gargoyle has decided to leave the ranks to tWt and join VOD. I'd link their website, but they don't have one yet. We wish him luck in his new clan, and hopes he brings it off the ground with his skills. We've also recruited Juzam Djinn, who we feel will be a great addition to our ranks and we are glad to have. Also recruited was Dawn Sedai, a fan of the tWt clans, and one whom we expect will fit well with our family.
- Kedric Haelseth
3.28.03 - New Happenings in the White Tower
The Tower reaches a new age; with new members, a heightened morale, and a new website. Our ranks are well prepared to face the next set of clans in battle. Through the end, The White Tower will stand. More news to come as the site upgrade progresses.
- Kedric Haelseth



The White Tower logo created by Dracous - LOMM Graphics by 3d0 - Site Design by Kedric Haelseth - Don't steal, be original.